
New Residence Permit Health Center Opens Near Ditan Park

Anna PH & Joey K BJkids 2020-08-18


Whether you’ve been offered an employment (Z) visa in order to work in China, are coming here as a student (X visa), or will be joining your spouse (S visa), as a foreigner you’re going to need to get a clean bill of health before you’ll be granted your residency permit.

If you’re in need of a health check in order to update your residence permit, there are a couple of things you should take note of – but not to worry, as the process has become more convenient, not less.


First and foremost, the location of the International Travel Healthcare Center moved back in April 2019, so it may not be the same place you remember. No longer is it way out in the suburbs, but right in the heart of the city, just north of Ditan Park, at 20 Hepingli North Road, Dongcheng District (6427 4239) 东城区和平里北街20号办理.

Second, you can now book your appointment through a WeChat mini-app, eliminating the need to make the trip to the health center just to register two weeks ahead of time.

Things to know

  • There is currently only one facility in Beijing where you can get a visa requirement health check.

  • You cannot do this examination at a hospital, your private clinic, or anywhere else in Beijing.

  • The center is only open 8.30-11.30am.

  • The center is busiest in August and just after Chinese New Year. In general, we suggest getting there as close to opening time as possible.

  • Most of the staff at the centers speak basic English and are used to dealing with foreigners.

We’ve written a detailed step-by-step guide that explains how to prepare for your health check, how to get there, and what to expect during. Scan the QR code below to read it.


Images: Unsplash, the Beijinger, Anna Pellegrin Hartley, betminded.com

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